The Diploma in Agriculture (Intermediate in Science in Agriculture) major in an animal science course is of 3 years duration. First-year covers basic sciences, math, and languages which provide the base for the study in subsequent years and also provide the base for bachelor level study in the related field. Second-year courses are of a mixed type which covers common agriculture-related courses such as Extension and Community development, Elementary Statistics and Basic Computer Sciences, Agribusiness Management, and Marketing, Aquaculture, Introductory Plant Science and some specialized courses of animal sciences such as Animal Nutrition and Fodder Production, Sheep and Goat Production, Animal Health I (clinical medicine), and Animal Housing and Environmental Sciences. Third-year courses are totally related to animal husbandry and veterinary sciences which include Animal Health II(preventive veterinary medicine), Commercial Dairy Farming, Dairy and Animal Product Technology, Commercial Poultry Production, Veterinary Laboratory Techniques, Equine, Rabbit, and Pets, Veterinary Clinical Practice and Work Experience Program (WEP).