मङ्लबार, माघ २२, २०८१

आदरणीय दिपक टण्डन (सिटिइभिटि कर्मचारी संघको केन्द्रीय अध्यक्ष) लाई एग्रो फरेस्ट्री बहुप्राविधिक शिक्षालयमा एक कार्यक्रमका बीच स्वागत

स्वागत कार्यक्रम पश्चात फोटो लिईदै

प्राविधिक शिक्षा तथा व्यावसायिक तालिम परिषद् ( CTEVT) कर्मचारी संघको केन्द्रीय अध्यक्षमा बहुमतका साथ निर्वाचित आदरणीय सर दिपक टण्डनलाई यस एग्रो फरेस्ट्री बहुप्राविधिक शिक्षालय अर्घाखाँची मा एक कार्यक्रम बीच स्वागत गरिएको छ । आगामी दिनहरुमा संस्थाको उन्नति र प्रगतिको लागि निरन्तर साथ र सहयोग रहने प्रतिबद्दता सरले गर्नु भएको छ ।संस्थाले उहालाई स्वागत गर्दै सफल कार्यकालका लागि शुधकामना तथा बधाई ज्ञापन गरेको छ ।

कार्यक्रममा शिक्षालय प्रमुख डा राजु भुसाल , उपप्रमुख श्री तेज प्रताप दुबे लगाएत सम्पूर्ण कर्मचारीको उपस्थितिमा सम्पन्न भयो। शिक्षालयले गुणस्तरीय प्राबिधिक शिक्षा उपलब्ध गराएको भन्दै सरले खुसि ब्यक्त गर्नु भएको छ।

एग्रो फरेस्ट्री बहुप्राबिधिक शिक्षालयमा वर्ष (२०७८/७९) मा भर्ना खुल्यो

भर्ना खुल्यो !भर्ना खुल्यो !! भर्ना खुल्यो !!!

SLC/SEE/TSLC/ pre-diploma तह उत्तीर्ण विद्यार्थी भाइ बहिनीहरुकोलागी शैक्षिक सत्र २०७८/७९ मा डिप्लोमा तह अध्यनको लागि यस “एग्रो फरेस्ट्री बहुप्राबिधिक शिक्षालय” मा भर्ना खुलेको जानकारी गराउँदछौं। भर्ना आवेदन फाराम ” शिक्षालयमा उपस्थित भई” वा शिक्षालयमा उपस्थित हुन नसकेको खण्डमा “शिक्षालयको वेबसाइट https://afpi.edu.np/ मा गएर भर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। अध्यापन हुने विषयहरू:

Diploma in Agriculture “Plant science” _”बाली विज्ञान”

Diploma in Agriculture “Animal science”_”पशु विज्ञान”

शिक्षालय काे वेबसाइट https://afpi.edu.np मा गई आफूले भर्न चाहेको भर्ना सूची छनौट गरी तोकिएका सम्पूर्ण विवरण अनलाइन मार्फत भर्न सक्नुहुनेछ। थप सूचना तथा जानकारीको लागि निम्न फोन नम्बर मा संपर्क गर्न सक्नुहुनेछ

९८५७०६६८७१ डा.राजु भुसाल(शिक्षालय प्रमुख)

९८५७०२०५९० श्री तेज प्रताप दुबे (उप _प्रमुख)

९८५७०८६५७४ श्री सुभाष न्यौपाने(पाठ्यक्रम संयोजक,बाली विज्ञान)

९८६७२०८४५७ डा. सुबास बेल्बासे (पाठ्यक्रम संयोजक, पशु विज्ञान)

९८५७०६६७४५ श्री उमेश के. सी (परीक्षा साखा)

एग्रो फरेस्ट्री बहुप्राबिधिक शिक्षालयको website: www.afpi.edu.np मा गएर Online formभर्ने तरिका:

१ . पहिला www. afpi.edu.np मा जाने

२. आफुले कुन कोटामा भर्ना चाहेको हो छान्ने र online form भर्ने र Submit गर्ने

३. फारम Submit गरेपछि Subash Neupane सरलाई 9847181574 मा फोन गरेर जानकारी गराउने

कुखुरा खोरको निर्माण र कुखुरा उत्पादन सुरु

प्रधानमन्त्री कृषि आधुनिकीकरण परियोजना परियोजना कार्यान्वयन इकाई, सन्धिखर्क, अर्घाखाँची र एग्रोफरेष्ट्री बहु प्राविधिक शिक्षालय अर्घाखाँचीकाे ” learn earn pay” अवधारणा अनुसार क्रमश ७५% र २५ % लगानीमा निर्माण कुखुरा खोर र कुखुरा उत्पादनको निम्ति १००० वटा १ दिने चल्ला ।।.

आफुले आर्जन गरेको प्राविधिक ज्ञान र सिपलाइ उधय्मसिलता तर्फ जोड्नुनै आजको प्राविधिक शिक्षाको मुख्य उद्देश्य हो र सोही कार्यमा पशु-विज्ञान तेस्रो वर्षका विधार्थिहरु र हामी सङ्गै लागिरहेका छौ। सोही क्रममा Record Keeping र Vaccination गर्दाका केही तस्वीरहरु।

एग्रो फरेष्टी पोलिटेक्निक ईन्स्टिच्युटमा पढाई संचालन सुचारु

मथुरा, अर्घाखाँची । अर्घाखाँची जिल्लाको छत्रदेव गाउँपालिका वार्ड नम्बर ४ केरुङ्गाको मथुरामा रहेको एग्रो फरेष्टी पोलिटिक ईन्स्टिच्युमा पढाई संचालन भएको छ । 
केरुङ्गाको मथुरामा रहेको एग्रो फरेष्टी पोलिटिक ईन्स्टिच्यु शिक्षालयमा स्वास्थ्य सम्बन्धी सुरक्षाका उपायहरु अपनाउदै भौतिक रुपमा कक्षा संचालन भएको हो । प्रिन्सिपल डा राजु भुसालले सबै मापदण्ड पुरा गरेर क्लासहरु सुरु भएको जानकारी दिनुभएको छ 
कोरोनाका कारण गत चैत्र महिनादेखि एग्रो फरेष्टी पोलिटिक ईन्स्टिच्युमा पढाई बन्द थियो ।

एग्रो फरेस्ट्री पोलिटेक्निक ईन्स्टिच्युट अर्घाखाँचीमा भर्ना खुल्यो

एग्रो फरेष्ट्री पोलिटेक्निक इन्ष्टिच्युट मथुरा अर्घाखाँची (प्राविधिक शिक्षा तथा व्यावसायिक तालिम परिषद् CTEVT को आंगिक शिक्षालय ) मा शैक्षिक सत्र २०७७ र ०७८ को लागि- डिप्लोमा इन एग्रीकल्चर (वाली विज्ञान)डिप्लोमा इन एग्रीकल्चर ( पशु बिज्ञान)मा भर्ना खुल्यो . शान्त र सुन्दर वातावरणमा अत्याधुनिक भौतिक पुर्वाधार तथा दक्ष एवं अनुभवी प्रशिक्षकहरुबाट गुणस्तरिय शिक्षा प्रदान गरिरहेको छ

३ वर्षको पुर्ण शुल्क Rs-८९००० /

सहुलियत शुल्क Rs. ५४९००/

विभिन्न छात्रवृत्ति तथा कोटा सुविधा ।

फारम बुझाउने अन्तिम मितिः २०७७आश्विन १५ गते सम्म ।

थप जानकारीको लागी। एग्रो फरेष्ट्री पोलिटेक्निक इन्ष्टिच्युट मथुरा, अर्घाखाँची

सम्पर्क नं : ९८५७०६६८७१,८९५७०८६५७४. वा www.afpi.edu.np

“AFPI added Zoom Class for Students”

News in Details :

AFPI has been conducting online class since 28th of Ashad, 2077 through two different mediums (i.e Viber and Facebook Messenger ) in the pandemic time period. AFPI added Zoom class as well from 21st of Bhadra, 2077. AFPI tutors as well as part time tutors will be conducting 40 minutes class temporarily in Zoom every single day of the week. The zoom class will be extended in few days in colaboration with Zoom for one hour per period for specific subject. The class routine has been published below with the schedule and time table. Kamal sir inaugurated the first class on Zoom Cloud on 21st of Bhadra. Students also find Zoom class more effective and efficient as students can interact with the lecture in a live session. Tutors also find this session as effective session as they can describe their presentation slides in the live session in the mass of the students. All the three programs will be conducting zoom class and viber session on the daily basis to the students.

Students Presence in Zoom class

In the first session the zoom class, the students presence was half of the total capacity. The course-cordinators have been trying to contact each of the students personally to make them aware of new teaching system. Many students are in contact with the tutors but due to lack of techno-friendly knowledge, they are finding zoom application a bit harder to use. After few sessions, they will be comfortable with the Zoom Application and AFPI except to have full attendence of the students in the Zoom Class.

Students Attendence

Students attendence will be essential part of the academic process in the Zoom Class and Viber session as the pandemic situation is in growing phase in Nepal . There are many possibilities that if the pandemic situation continues; students upgrade in different semesters can be overlooked through the attendence and different assignments. There students attendence is mandatory and will not be overlooked through their situations.

Sudents Problems and Queries regarding the ZOOM Class and Viber Session

The students are requested to contact their Course coordinator on facing problems on ZOOM class or Queries about the time period given by other tutors, explanation obligations in ZOOM class, or many more. The tutors are also requested to contact their respective course coordinators on regarding the problems on the ZOOM class but not to the students. The course coordinator details in provided below:

Tutors NameCourse coordinator of programPhone Number
Mr. Subhas NeupaneRegular Plant Science9847181574
Mr. Rajan Sagar ChaudharySponsered Plant Science9849928527
Dr. subash BelbaseAnimal Science9867208057

A.F.P.I website is fully operational from 1st of August with different functions to students, tutors, & Visitors

A.F.P.I ‘s website is fully operational from 1st of August as it was under modification as per the requirements of Dr. Raju Bhusal . A.F.P.I new website is full of different functionalities as we are in digitization age.

All the academic staffs has been given access to the login account to upload different studying materials to students in a specific page of website. The academic team can prepare different blogs in the login account and publish into the latest news section of the college. It was done to update the students and all the visitors to make them aware of different operations going on with in the institute.

Website visitor’s also can know about different tendors, notices and many more through the notice section of the website.

All the daily updates of institute can be seen in gallery through the medium of picture. All the pictures will be saved in high resolution so that it can be downloaded and save as the form of memory

All the details of administrative team and academic team is updated in the website. All the programs ongoing within the institute is also described in the website. Students can apply Online Form and know about their Queries through the institute.

National Incubation and Research Center has provided the institute the best operational website to the institute. The institute thanks the company for such co-operation .

High Resolution CCTV Cameras installed in A.F.P.I


  • High Resolution CCTV Cameras are being installed as per the instruction of Principal (Dr. Raju Bhusal )
  • 17 high -resolution CCTV cameras are being installed all around the lab, academic halls, around the A.F.P.I, to monitor the infrastructures.
  • All the cameras are being connected to principal’s space for the supervision.
  • The installation work is ongoing with the professional installers.
  • A.F.P.I is now uplifting as per the need to the digitization.
  • A.F.P.I has been a new initiative in the arghakhanchi district for having best academic success as it has digitalized the old system of teaching by applying projectors with new teaching style through the help of pdfs, videos, and many more ;

“AFPI set up well equipped lab with veterinary clinic began its service”

News in details

Agroforestry polytechnic institute has set up the lab with advance veterinary clinic and has already operated its activities. The establishment of veterinary clinic with lab is a boon not only for the students but also for local farmers of Chhatradev rural municipality including neighboring municipalities. Clinic with lab aims to provide scientific diagnostic-based treatment of animal diseases including general examination, surgical operation and many more. It is the great step to add efficiency in delivering the practical based knowledge to the veterinary students thereby improving their skills ultimately to produce competent manpower as a technician in the field of veterinary and livestock sector.

यो क्लिनिकको जिम्मा र बेबस्थापन कसले गर्छ ?

● It will be under the supervision of A.F.P.I
● Veterinary doctors of A.F.P.I will take the lead of the clinic . The animal’s medical treatment including : operating, distribution of medicines, testing of blood, dung, etc. will by done by registered professional veterinary doctors
● All the practical session of program ( Diploma in Agriculture- Animal Science ) will be conducted in these clinics under the supervision of professional veterinary doctors
● Anybody from the district can come in the clinic with their animal problems . Doctors will look after the problem and give the appropriate medicine, prescriptions, do testings, or operate if necessary
● Charge will be taken to the outsiders (villagers) but in a minimum fare.

“Regular program of AFPI, “Free Animal Health Camp” get postponed due to the lockdown” & many more news

News in Details

Agroforestry polytechnic Institute planned to conduct animal health camp was postponed due to the pandemic of COVID-19. As per the plan, program was scheduled previously in the month of Chaitra-2076.  AFPI normally conducts such programs in every 3 months as a regular program but unfavorable circumstances due to the pandemic didn’t let that happen. As soon as the condition favors, AFPI is fully committed to resume such programs.

“Practicals beyond the syallbus: Bone processing”

AFPI is always ahead in providing quality education. This time, the team of veterinary instructors Dr. Sandip Bhattarai and Dr. Subash Belbase along with the veterinary students( second year) collected the bones, identification of complete bones was done,  dispatched it upto the college and carried out the series of steps of processing. Hence, bones were ready for the articulation. Though this was not in the syllabus but students’ passion and desire of learning  made it possible to perform this task with maximum efficiency. This is an example that AFPI wouldn’t compromise in delivering the quality education in both theoretical and practical aspect and is determined to continue these kind of activities in future as well.

Livestock farm of AfPI get upgraded with addition of more animals”

Before the beginning of new fiscal year 2077/078, Livestock farm of Agroforestry Polytechnic Institute get upgraded. Animals in the farm previously were inadequate, realizing this fact, dairy cows, buffaloes, goats, sheep and buffalo calves were added in the farm. Furthermore, Poultry farm and modern goat farm is under construction. Apart from these, AFPI is planning to add rabbits in the farm very soon.

  • How to deal with management/organizational issues in the Cultural Heritage sector
  • Understand different stages in business planning
  • Develop organizational skills for the workplace
  • Understand organizational structures and how they work
  • Management mechanisms and coordination